ABCMusic 01 (English) von Richard Filz | Captivating instrumental music for rhythm pedagogical activities (including 10 audio recordings, 3 video clips, and 3 pages of PDF) | ISBN 9783903381544

ABCMusic 01 (English)

Captivating instrumental music for rhythm pedagogical activities (including 10 audio recordings, 3 video clips, and 3 pages of PDF)

von Richard Filz
Buchcover ABCMusic 01 (English) | Richard Filz | EAN 9783903381544 | ISBN 3-903381-54-3 | ISBN 978-3-903381-54-4
GrundschullehrerInnen, ErzieherInnen, MusikschullehrerInnen, KinderchorleiterInnen, alle, die mit 6- bis 66-Jährigen musikalisch arbeiten

ABCMusic 01 (English)

Captivating instrumental music for rhythm pedagogical activities (including 10 audio recordings, 3 video clips, and 3 pages of PDF)

von Richard Filz
ABCMusic is captivating instrumental music that is excellent for accompanying rhythm pedagogical activities, such as practicing and performing body percussion warm-ups. The tempos (original tempo and slow tempo) are adjusted to allow for smooth and precise execution of spoken text and body percussion sequences. The cool sound encourages enthusiastic participation and invites engagement.
What sets ABCMusic apart is its structure, which is inspired by the three-part form of pop songs and classical compositions. The simple arrangement supports clear cues and seamless transitions between activities.
ABCMusic offers endless possibilities for creative expression and musical exploration. From playful practice of a body percussion warm-up to individually crafting one's own body percussion hit – creativity knows no bounds here.

Contents Creative use of ABCMusic
Audio-Recordings 01 Stomp, clap, fantastic! 02 Stomp, clap, fantastic! slow 03 Wake up! 04 Wake up! slow 05 Good to see you! 06 Good to see you! slow 07 Let´s go! 08 Let´s go! slow 09 Welcome! 10 Welcome! slow
Video-Clips 01 Body Percussion Warm-Up 1 02 Body Percussion Warm-Up 2 03 Creating Body Hit