The Euro Crash. European Time Bomb. von Heinz Duthel | "Beggar-thy’s-neighbor" | ISBN 9783742792808

The Euro Crash. European Time Bomb.


von Heinz Duthel
Buchcover The Euro Crash. European Time Bomb. | Heinz Duthel | EAN 9783742792808 | ISBN 3-7427-9280-6 | ISBN 978-3-7427-9280-8

The Euro Crash. European Time Bomb.


von Heinz Duthel
The Euro Crash. European Time Bomb. „Beggar-thy’s-neighbor“
The Spread beyond Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, France and finally Germany.

The euro is a ticking time bomb and the Countdown runs. A currency reform in the near future is more likely than never. Politicians desperately try to fake financial data and debt, lie to the people to calm down and cheat.
They fear riots like in Greece and France, or even revolutions like those in North Africa. Security authorities and intelligence agencies are already warning of civil war-like conditions in Europe.