The Student Leadership Challenge von James M. Kouzes | Activities Book | ISBN 9781118599655

The Student Leadership Challenge

Activities Book

von James M. Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner, Beth High und Gary M. Morgan
Autor / AutorinJames M. Kouzes
Autor / AutorinBarry Z. Posner
Autor / AutorinBeth High
Autor / AutorinGary M. Morgan
Buchcover The Student Leadership Challenge | James M. Kouzes | EAN 9781118599655 | ISBN 1-118-59965-9 | ISBN 978-1-118-59965-5

The Student Leadership Challenge

Activities Book

von James M. Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner, Beth High und Gary M. Morgan
Autor / AutorinJames M. Kouzes
Autor / AutorinBarry Z. Posner
Autor / AutorinBeth High
Autor / AutorinGary M. Morgan
Active Learning to Empower Student Leaders
Building on the research behind The LeadershipChallenge¯®, The Student LeadershipChallenge¯® approach is used by a growing number ofeducators who are committed to helping young people discover theleader within. Practical experience is critical to learning, andwhile students may respond well to presentations and discussionabout The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® model, thereis no substitute for hands-on experience that enables students todeepen their understanding as they put the Practices into action. This Activities Book will help you create those experiencesfor your students. Designed for use with high school andundergraduate college students as they embark on their personalleadership journeys with The Student Leadership Challenge, and flexible enough for students of all levels, this guide includesmore than 50 activities to help educators bridge the divide betweenteaching The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership conceptuallyand helping students learn to actually apply and practice them intheir lives.
„A book of genuinely effective activities for engagingstudents at all levels, turning the novice facilitator into a pro. It includes easy-to-use concepts that readily apply to life as aleader, and is a real difference maker that fosterssuccess!“
--Randy D. Grimes, human resources director, DukeUniversity
"A fantastic resource for leadership educators looking tofurther develop students' understanding of The Five Practicesof Exemplary Leadership in a tangible, hands-on way! It offersengaging activities that are sure to make an impact on your studentleaders. This activity book is a great supplement to The StudentLeadership Challenge, bringing the original concepts off thepage and into the real world.„
--Kimberly Piatt, coordinator of leadershipdevelopment, The College at Brockport
“An excellent one-stop resource for activities to engagestudents of different learning styles. Students will find theexperiential nature of the activities easy to comprehend and mostimportantly be able to see the relevance and application of TheFive Practices of Exemplary Leadership."
--Melvin Chia, principal consultant, LifeskillsEnrichment