Biocatalysts for Fine Chemicals Synthesis von Stanley M. Roberts | ISBN 9780470859681

Biocatalysts for Fine Chemicals Synthesis

von Stanley M. Roberts und weiteren
Autor / AutorinStanley M. Roberts
Autor / AutorinG. Casy
Autor / AutorinM.-B. Nielsen
Autor / AutorinS. Phythian
Autor / AutorinC. Todd
Autor / AutorinK. Wiggins
Buchcover Biocatalysts for Fine Chemicals Synthesis | Stanley M. Roberts | EAN 9780470859681 | ISBN 0-470-85968-7 | ISBN 978-0-470-85968-1

Biocatalysts for Fine Chemicals Synthesis

von Stanley M. Roberts und weiteren
Autor / AutorinStanley M. Roberts
Autor / AutorinG. Casy
Autor / AutorinM.-B. Nielsen
Autor / AutorinS. Phythian
Autor / AutorinC. Todd
Autor / AutorinK. Wiggins
Replacing the very successful loose-leaf format, this invaluableset of protocols covers those areas where cells and enzymes havebeen proven to be useful catalysts.
From 1992-1997 Preparative Biotransformations was published in theloose-leaf format. During this time 800 pages of detailed protocolson the use and handling of cells and enzymes in organic synthesiswere collected. This collection of protocopls has become veryvaluable and useful. Today's chemists are expected to be able touse enzymes as normal catalysts. In this key reference source, anyone working in area of synthesis will find the necessarytechniques and skills to master the problems of using these'non-chemical' catalysts. It includes:
* A collection of procedures originally published in the looseleafpublication, 'Preparative Biotransformations'
* Includes a state-of-the-art review by Professor S. M. Roberts notpreviously published
* Contains fully tested and validated protocols
* Step-by-step instructions for the expert and the inexperiencedchemist