King Sejong Institute Practical Korean 4 Intermediate | MP3 Audio Download | ISBN 9791169042727

King Sejong Institute Practical Korean 4 Intermediate

MP3 Audio Download

Buchcover King Sejong Institute Practical Korean 4 Intermediate  | EAN 9791169042727 | ISBN 979-11-6904-272-7 | ISBN 979-11-6904-272-7

King Sejong Institute Practical Korean 4 Intermediate

MP3 Audio Download

This textbook replaces the former „Sejong Korean Conversation 4“.
It is divided into 3 chapters or 'Parts'.
‘Part 1’ and ‘Part 2’ of this book aim to teach language knowledge, allowing the learning of one vocabulary and one expression item per part. In addition, even when learning language knowledge, we included various conversation activities so that learners can internalize language knowledge through meaningful activities beyond the teacher's one-sided explanation and presentation.
‘Part 3’ is divided into ‘Practice’, ‘Talk’, and ‘Listen and speak’. ‘Practice’ is a review stage for language knowledge, ‘Tell me a story’ is a communication task for constructing a target discourse, and ‘Listen and speak’ is a stage for performing listening and speaking tasks.
The booklet contains helpful vocabulary, expressions and word families.