Ocean of Unity von Sheikh Muhammad Nazim Adil | The Discourses of Our Master Sheikh Nazim al-Qubrusi (Imam ul-Haqqaniyyin), Delivered by the Permission of his Grandsheikh Sheikh Abdullah Ad-Daghistani (May Allah Sanctify his Blesses Soul) | ISBN 9789963401314

Ocean of Unity

The Discourses of Our Master Sheikh Nazim al-Qubrusi (Imam ul-Haqqaniyyin), Delivered by the Permission of his Grandsheikh Sheikh Abdullah Ad-Daghistani (May Allah Sanctify his Blesses Soul)

von Sheikh Muhammad Nazim Adil, illustriert von Jamilah, herausgegeben von Ibrahim Shukrullah
Autor / AutorinSheikh Muhammad Nazim Adil
Herausgegeben vonIbrahim Shukrullah
Illustriert vonJamilah
Fotos vonAyman Abdul-Qadir
Fotos vonIbrahim Shukrullah
Buchcover Ocean of Unity | Sheikh Muhammad Nazim Adil | EAN 9789963401314 | ISBN 9963-40-131-7 | ISBN 978-9963-40-131-4
those who interested in spiritual lectures

Ocean of Unity

The Discourses of Our Master Sheikh Nazim al-Qubrusi (Imam ul-Haqqaniyyin), Delivered by the Permission of his Grandsheikh Sheikh Abdullah Ad-Daghistani (May Allah Sanctify his Blesses Soul)

von Sheikh Muhammad Nazim Adil, illustriert von Jamilah, herausgegeben von Ibrahim Shukrullah
Autor / AutorinSheikh Muhammad Nazim Adil
Herausgegeben vonIbrahim Shukrullah
Illustriert vonJamilah
Fotos vonAyman Abdul-Qadir
Fotos vonIbrahim Shukrullah
Selected Lectures Summer-Fall 1406 A. H. (1987 C. E.) London-Germany-Cyprus
When a person attains the station of Unity he leaves behind his own existence and is admitted to the Lord’s existence, so that Divine Oneness overtakes him.