Monera /Kingdom Bacteria & Virus von Frans Vermeulen | Spectrum Materia Medica Volume I | ISBN 9789076189154

Monera /Kingdom Bacteria & Virus

Spectrum Materia Medica Volume I

von Frans Vermeulen
Buchcover Monera /Kingdom Bacteria & Virus | Frans Vermeulen | EAN 9789076189154 | ISBN 90-76189-15-3 | ISBN 978-90-76189-15-4

Monera /Kingdom Bacteria & Virus

Spectrum Materia Medica Volume I

von Frans Vermeulen
Everything you always wanted to know about the invisible life of germs. This microscopic Kingdom surrounds you and lives inside you, sharing your every breath and thought. Bacteria have domesticated us, although we still battle with this! After all it is a delicate balance between symbiosis and a fight for territory. This work is an exhaustive treatise on viruses and bacteria. This encyclopedic work on „Nosodes“ encomparses all other former works on the subject, yet there is more in it. A new standard!
Narayana Verlag, Blumenplatz 2, 79400 Kandern, Tel. 07626 /974 970-0 Fax 07626 /974 970-9 Email: info@narayana-verlag. de Internet: www. narayana-verlag. de