The Textbook of Taewondo Poomsae - mit DVD | ISBN 9788973367405

The Textbook of Taewondo Poomsae - mit DVD

Buchcover The Textbook of Taewondo Poomsae - mit DVD  | EAN 9788973367405 | ISBN 89-7336-740-4 | ISBN 978-89-7336-740-5

The Textbook of Taewondo Poomsae - mit DVD

This new edition, both in Korean and English, contains Taekwondo's basic movements and poomsae in a standardized and uniformed manner and will serve as a guidebook for Taekwondo practitioners.
- Seogi - Makki - Jireugi - Chagi - Chigi - Jjireugi - Taegeuk 1 - 8 jang - Koryo - Keumgang - Taebaek - Pyongwon - Sipjin - Jitae - Chonkwon - Hansu Ilyeo