Verb Crisis | ISBN 9788496540972

Verb Crisis

herausgegeben von Albert Ferré, Mario Ballesteros, Tomoko Sakamoto und Irene Hwang
Herausgegeben vonAlbert Ferré
Herausgegeben vonMario Ballesteros
Herausgegeben vonTomoko Sakamoto
Herausgegeben vonIrene Hwang
Buchcover Verb Crisis  | EAN 9788496540972 | ISBN 84-96540-97-9 | ISBN 978-84-96540-97-2

Verb Crisis

herausgegeben von Albert Ferré, Mario Ballesteros, Tomoko Sakamoto und Irene Hwang
Herausgegeben vonAlbert Ferré
Herausgegeben vonMario Ballesteros
Herausgegeben vonTomoko Sakamoto
Herausgegeben vonIrene Hwang
Verb Crisis examines architectural solutions to the extraordinary conditions of a world that is increasingly dense and interdependent. It presents innovative projects and investigations through original photos, essays, and exclusive interviews with key figures from architecture and urban planning to environmental, economic, and global affairs. Verb Crisis tackles the conflict between the physical limits of architectural design and the demands on the practice for an updated social relevance.
Projects include: FOA, Teddy Cruz, Shigeru Ban, Elemental, Boris B. Jensen, Hilary Sample, John May, Jacobo García Germán, Markus Miessen, Interboro Partners, MVRDV and Takuya Onishi.