Ciuco Gutiérrez | ISBN 9788495471529

Ciuco Gutiérrez

von Ciuco Gutiérrez
Buchcover Ciuco Gutiérrez  | EAN 9788495471529 | ISBN 84-95471-52-3 | ISBN 978-84-95471-52-9

Ciuco Gutiérrez

von Ciuco Gutiérrez
Ciuco Gutierrez carries reality to its quaintest, most kitsch extreme. At first sight, his brilliant colourist images are an attractive lure; however, they also inspire in us a strange and almost uncomfortable feeling due to the artist’s clever compositions, double entendres and references to the opulent society in which we are immersed. Ciuco Gutiérrez is able to identify and reproduce our culture’s detritus with appeal, fascination and ingenuity.