Cesar Lucas 2ª ed. | ISBN 9788492841127

Cesar Lucas 2ª ed.

von Cesar Lucas
Buchcover Cesar Lucas 2ª ed.  | EAN 9788492841127 | ISBN 84-92841-12-5 | ISBN 978-84-92841-12-7

Cesar Lucas 2ª ed.

von Cesar Lucas
From the nineteen sixties, Cesar Lucas has been considered one of the great Spanish press photographers. His long professional career, which covers almost half the history of photojournalism in Spain, coincides with the most intense period in the history of this medium. His portraits of the architects of Spain at the end of the century show the essence of the characters and make no concession to theatrical photographic effects. César Lucas continues to have a great respect for the document without disguising it with author’s pretensions.