Ramón Masats. 3ª ed. | ISBN 9788492498505

Ramón Masats. 3ª ed.

von Ramón Masats
Buchcover Ramón Masats. 3ª ed.  | EAN 9788492498505 | ISBN 84-92498-50-1 | ISBN 978-84-92498-50-5

Ramón Masats. 3ª ed.

von Ramón Masats
This book is a tour through Spanish geography between 1955 and 1997, a unique look at Spanish society that documents its festivals, traditions, customs and rituals. Masats decided to take photographs in the towns and cities of Franco's Spain in order to show them without restraints in both their misery and mystery, in contrast to the era's obscurantism and the aestheticism of photography academies in the nineteen fifties. After working for years in television, in the eighties he began to devote himself exclusively to photography again, but in colour.