In Mexico. Jessica Lange | ISBN 9788492480982

In Mexico. Jessica Lange

herausgegeben von Editorial RM
Fotograf / FotografinJessica Lange
Herausgegeben vonEditorial RM
Beiträge vonJulio Trujillo
Buchcover In Mexico. Jessica Lange  | EAN 9788492480982 | ISBN 84-92480-98-X | ISBN 978-84-92480-98-2

In Mexico. Jessica Lange

herausgegeben von Editorial RM
Fotograf / FotografinJessica Lange
Herausgegeben vonEditorial RM
Beiträge vonJulio Trujillo
Neither a tourist nor a native, Jessica Lange’s black and white images of Mexico rely on an outsider’s viewpoint of navigating these seemingly familiar sites and places, through the daily routine of people making their momentary passages through them: cafes, boulevards, carnivals, brocades of nearly empty seats. It is a location of hints and guesses, and humanity.
Following the transitions of days into nights, the primary concern of Lange’s In Mexico reveals itself in all its Joycean proportions, in transit—the order of life is best observed from the sidelong glance of the periphery. With accompanying text by Julio Trujillo.