Through the Canvas von Ricardo Flores | Architecture inside Dutch Paintings | ISBN 9788461201044

Through the Canvas

Architecture inside Dutch Paintings

von Ricardo Flores und Eva Prats
Autor / AutorinRicardo Flores
Autor / AutorinEva Prats
Buchcover Through the Canvas | Ricardo Flores | EAN 9788461201044 | ISBN 84-612-0104-3 | ISBN 978-84-612-0104-4

Through the Canvas

Architecture inside Dutch Paintings

von Ricardo Flores und Eva Prats
Autor / AutorinRicardo Flores
Autor / AutorinEva Prats
Based on the Dutch painter Pieter de Hooch's work, Flores & Prats propose an exercse of architectural design through obeservation, strongly linked to the act of the making of things by hand. The workshop took place over five days. The accumulation- of drawing s, models and photographs- allowed the overlapping of different materials, producing new ideas which at the tiem spark new work.