Fashion: The Ultimate History of Costume von Stefania Sposito | From Prehistory to the Present | ISBN 9788417412678

Fashion: The Ultimate History of Costume

From Prehistory to the Present

von Stefania Sposito
Buchcover Fashion: The Ultimate History of Costume | Stefania Sposito | EAN 9788417412678 | ISBN 84-17412-67-0 | ISBN 978-84-17412-67-8
Allgemeines Publikum, Modestudenten, Modedozenten

Fashion: The Ultimate History of Costume

From Prehistory to the Present

von Stefania Sposito
Fashion is one of the defining features of human evolution and culture. Spanning from the first civilizations to today’s most recent trends, this enlarged and updated edition analyses the importance and meaning of fashion via an in-depth approach and a rich selection of illustrations and photographs. It contains interpretative sketches and drawings of the clothes that feature in paintings and works of art to provide an overall perspective on and a comprehensive understanding of fashion. The lavish visuals, which many other titles in this field lack, truly bring the topic to life. In this book, the reader will discover the beauty and mystery of the history of fashion, the roles it has played in society and the creativity and inventive power that it has often brought out in man.