Photographing Barcelona von Oscar Asensio | Tips on how to get the best shots of the city | ISBN 9788416851645

Photographing Barcelona

Tips on how to get the best shots of the city

von Oscar Asensio
Buchcover Photographing Barcelona | Oscar Asensio | EAN 9788416851645 | ISBN 84-16851-64-6 | ISBN 978-84-16851-64-5
Hobbyfotografen, Stadtreisende, Aktivtouristen

Photographing Barcelona

Tips on how to get the best shots of the city

von Oscar Asensio
Photographing Barcelona is the essential book for photography-loving readers who are eager to discover the best tricks and techniques for photographing the city of Barcelona with professional results. Use of light and shadow, lighting at different times of the day, framing, and locations are described in detail in order to capture the most photogenic corners of the city. The book features both places of interest for visitors and secret spots intended to be discovered by Barcelona's residents themselves. With images taken at different times of day and advice from a professional photographer, photography enthusiasts will find in this book a reliable guide of where to go and what time to capture the best memories.