Barcelona 1957 | Leopoldo Pomés | ISBN 9788415303985

Barcelona 1957

Leopoldo Pomés

von Leopoldo Pomés
Buchcover Barcelona 1957  | EAN 9788415303985 | ISBN 84-15303-98-X | ISBN 978-84-15303-98-5

Barcelona 1957

Leopoldo Pomés

von Leopoldo Pomés
This book starts with a conversation between two of the persons that best know Barcelona: the famous Spanish writer Eduardo Mendoza and Leopoldo Pomés, one of the most mythical photographer of Barcelona. With a versatile personality embracing cinema, advertising or restaurant management, Leopoldo Pomés (Barcelona, 1931) became known as a photographer in 1955 when he presented in the Galeries Laietanes of Barcelona (where the most important avant-garde exhibitions of the time were held) a display of photographs which broke with what had been seen until then and attracted the enthusiasm of some and uttered outrage exclamations from others.