The WORLD Hockey-Kids von Sabine Hahn | The interactive video activity book | ISBN 9783982238739

The WORLD Hockey-Kids

The interactive video activity book

von Sabine Hahn, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Alexandra Roesch
Buchcover The WORLD Hockey-Kids | Sabine Hahn | EAN 9783982238739 | ISBN 3-9822387-3-0 | ISBN 978-3-9822387-3-9
A new and captivating Hockey-Kids adventure by Sabine Hahn.
The book invites you to actively join in rediscovering hockey in an imaginative and original way and to immerse yourself in its many worlds; from Africa to Asia, from far and wide, with or without a wheelchair, hockey is full of surprises and is simply the best sport in the world ... for everyone ... everywhere.

The WORLD Hockey-Kids

The interactive video activity book

von Sabine Hahn, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Alexandra Roesch
A great adventure is waiting for Lena, Max and Lars, even if it doesn’t look that way at the start of term in their new school …
But before they know it, the adventure has begun – and you are part of it too, because in the pages of this book, you’ll be invited to join in over and over again. Now it’s your turn: “And now YOU!”
So grab your hockey stick and together with the Hockey-Kids, try out all the great tricks they learn in this book.
If you want to have a look at the tricks before you start – no problem! On the “And now YOU!” pages you’ll find a QR code at the bottom right corner of the page that you can simply photograph with your mobile phone. This will take you straight to the video. Then you can watch the real WORLD Hockey-Kids before you try it for yourself.
But that’s not all! With your parents’ permission, send us your drawings, photos and videos of you trying out the tricks we describe. Include a copy of this book in the image and then we’ll post them on our website. This is how you can become genuine WORLD Hockey-Kids. All of you, everywhere around the world!
And now – have fun with this ultimate, unique and awesome book:
Welcome to the WORLD Hockey-Kids!