Microtones & Chronota von Lukas Brandt | Quarter, sixth, eighth and twelvth tones. New Music, Maqam, Shruti etc. | ISBN 9783947741069

Microtones & Chronota

Quarter, sixth, eighth and twelvth tones. New Music, Maqam, Shruti etc.

von Lukas Brandt
Buchcover Microtones & Chronota | Lukas Brandt | EAN 9783947741069 | ISBN 3-947741-06-5 | ISBN 978-3-947741-06-9
New Music: chromatic notation; Composition & Musicians, Music Colleges & Music Studies

Microtones & Chronota

Quarter, sixth, eighth and twelvth tones. New Music, Maqam, Shruti etc.

von Lukas Brandt
This issue shows new ways and possibilities of noting microtones with CHRONOTA. Different microtonal systems are described and noted for comparison with CHRONOTA. As chromatic notation, CHRONOTA notates microtones with almost no complicated special accidentals.