THE GOLDEN SPRINGTIME von Steffen Pichler | ISBN 9783947430499


von Steffen Pichler
Buchcover THE GOLDEN SPRINGTIME | Steffen Pichler | EAN 9783947430499 | ISBN 3-947430-49-3 | ISBN 978-3-947430-49-9
Inhaltsverzeichnis 1


von Steffen Pichler
In the year 2038, while famine, disease and escalating environmental destruction are already raging, a giantic avalanche of extreme viruses, fungi and other parasites suddenly breaks loose in a total surprise, capitalising on mankind’s misguided agricultural practice and genetic engineering. Civilisation is on the brink of the final collapse, but a desperate lie told by world leaders, offering a fantastic future to the condemned, creates a bizarre euphoria: The Golden Springtime of Man.
While terrified humanity is temporarily appeased and exhilarated, in the background of the events every word, theory and equation ever written down in the history of civilisation is desperately re-examined for fresh wisdom. This secret search for salvation, in which all leading scientists and a supercomputer are involved, eventually leads back to 1890 and unearths writings of a spoilt, aristocratic, English adventurer, who once journeyed to Australia to boost his ego and capture the biggest of all crocodiles. What he found instead, as one of the few white men to make deepest contact with Aboriginal hunter-gatherer tribes, was enlightenment that would radically expand humanity’s knowledge and perception of the laws of nature and demand life as we know it to change. Now, for the very first time, civilisation is truly enlightened. But is there enough time left to stop the apocalypse?