Jens und Jakob. Learn German. Enjoy the Story. Part 1 ‒ German Course for Beginners von Werner Skalla | ISBN 9783945174067

Jens und Jakob. Learn German. Enjoy the Story. Part 1 ‒ German Course for Beginners

von Werner Skalla
Autor / AutorinWerner Skalla
Nach einer Idee vonSonja Anderle
Fotos vonDaniela Skalla
Buchcover Jens und Jakob. Learn German. Enjoy the Story. Part 1 ‒ German Course for Beginners | Werner Skalla | EAN 9783945174067 | ISBN 3-945174-06-6 | ISBN 978-3-945174-06-7
Selbstlerner sowie Kursteilnehmer in VhS, Sprachschulen und Universitäten, die die deutsche Sprache mit englischen Erklärungen lernen möchten.

Jens und Jakob. Learn German. Enjoy the Story. Part 1 ‒ German Course for Beginners

von Werner Skalla
Autor / AutorinWerner Skalla
Nach einer Idee vonSonja Anderle
Fotos vonDaniela Skalla
Are you tired of boring German textbooks? The kind of “Hello, my name is …” We are. Definitely. We know that learning German is hard work, but why shouldn’t hard work be fun? That’s why we created Jens and Jakob: a textbook based on a coherent story instead of dull dialogues, which starts very simply, but develops into a fascinating novel. Can’t stop reading? Well then – you will have to learn German!
Relevant vocabulary We have carefully selected the most frequently used words in the German language and made sure that the story is primarily made up of them. Separate texts and exercises focus on conversational topics that will prepare you for living in German speaking countries.
Visualized, simple explanations Grammar is a headache? Not with Jens & Jakob. Uncover the structure of the German language with pictures, casual yet comprehensive explanations, and a lot of easy to remember examples.
Practice online as much as you wish. Repetition is the key to learning a language. At www. skapago. eu/jensjakob you will find a great number of exercises, a vocabulary trainer, videos about pronunciation, and a whole lot more.
Get help from live teachers. Our German teachers have co-created this book. They know all the obstacles you might incur and can help you with individual training. Since we teach through online video conferences, you can take lessons wherever you are on this planet. Schedule a free demo lesson at www. skapago. eu.
This is the story:
Jens and Jakob are two sparrows from Berlin. The day the Berlin Wall falls, Jens drops out of his nest, but a girl finds him, takes him home and raises him on the balcony. He befriends Jakob, a wild sparrow, who teaches him how to fly. One day an unexpected visitor arrives, and Jens slowly begins to understand that for his human family, the removal of the Wall is not only sunshine and roses: there is a secret in the family that might be uncovered now that the border is open. For decades to come, the family will struggle with the consequences of the former separation of Berlin. How will they cope with them? Jens and Jakob is a family saga, a fable, a historical novel … oh, and a German textbook.