Proceedings of the 30th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference | November 9th and 10th, 2018 | ISBN 9783944312767

Proceedings of the 30th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference

November 9th and 10th, 2018

herausgegeben von Stephanie W. Jamison, Brent Vine und David M. Goldstein
Herausgegeben vonStephanie W. Jamison
Herausgegeben vonBrent Vine
Herausgegeben vonDavid M. Goldstein
Buchcover Proceedings of the 30th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference  | EAN 9783944312767 | ISBN 3-944312-76-7 | ISBN 978-3-944312-76-7

Proceedings of the 30th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference

November 9th and 10th, 2018

herausgegeben von Stephanie W. Jamison, Brent Vine und David M. Goldstein
Herausgegeben vonStephanie W. Jamison
Herausgegeben vonBrent Vine
Herausgegeben vonDavid M. Goldstein
The Program in Indo-European Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles, sponsors an Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference. The Conference, held on campus every fall, welcomes participation by linguists, philologists, and others engaged in all aspects of Indo-European studies.