5th International Conference on Language, Literature and Culture in Education von J. Danek | ISBN 9783943906516

5th International Conference on Language, Literature and Culture in Education

von J. Danek, M. Sirotová und V. Michvocíková
Autor / AutorinJ. Danek
Autor / AutorinM. Sirotová
Autor / AutorinV. Michvocíková
Buchcover 5th International Conference on Language, Literature and Culture in Education | J. Danek | EAN 9783943906516 | ISBN 3-943906-51-5 | ISBN 978-3-943906-51-6

5th International Conference on Language, Literature and Culture in Education

von J. Danek, M. Sirotová und V. Michvocíková
Autor / AutorinJ. Danek
Autor / AutorinM. Sirotová
Autor / AutorinV. Michvocíková
Presented publication is the proceedings of 5th International Conference of Language, Literature, Culture and Education. This conference created a platform for academics, scientists, researchers, teachers, scholars and teacher trainers to discuss and exchange their experiences and knowledge. Academics and researchers were presenting their ideas, experiences and projects aimed at knowledge of language, literature, culture and related areas. Presented proceedings contents theoretical and theoretical-empirical contributions. Authors of contributions focus on analyzation of selected issues in their field of research and study.