Striving towards personal health and happiness von Klaus Kampmann | Tips that work even in a 24/7 world (123miniTipps) | ISBN 9783943385359

Striving towards personal health and happiness

Tips that work even in a 24/7 world (123miniTipps)

von Klaus Kampmann und Thomas Staehelin
Autor / AutorinKlaus Kampmann
Autor / AutorinThomas Staehelin
Buchcover Striving towards personal health and happiness | Klaus Kampmann | EAN 9783943385359 | ISBN 3-943385-35-3 | ISBN 978-3-943385-35-9

Striving towards personal health and happiness

Tips that work even in a 24/7 world (123miniTipps)

von Klaus Kampmann und Thomas Staehelin
Autor / AutorinKlaus Kampmann
Autor / AutorinThomas Staehelin
People are becoming more and more pressured, both in their professional and private lives, and are not really finding any ways of changing that. That negatively affects their performance and health. The Flow Zone organization specializes in helping people and businesses find their way back to healthy self-management. Our approach consists of identifying which scientific findings taken from modern neuroscience and sociology (research) are effective. And then to use these as a basis to implement easy-to-use methods that work in professional day-to-day life.