Studies in Quantitative Linguistics 28 von Emmerich Kelih | Problems in Quantitative Linguistics 6 | ISBN 9783942303576

Studies in Quantitative Linguistics 28

Problems in Quantitative Linguistics 6

von Emmerich Kelih und Gabriel Altmann
Autor / AutorinEmmerich Kelih
Autor / AutorinGabriel Altmann
Buchcover Studies in Quantitative Linguistics 28 | Emmerich Kelih | EAN 9783942303576 | ISBN 3-942303-57-4 | ISBN 978-3-942303-57-6

Studies in Quantitative Linguistics 28

Problems in Quantitative Linguistics 6

von Emmerich Kelih und Gabriel Altmann
Autor / AutorinEmmerich Kelih
Autor / AutorinGabriel Altmann
This book is the sixth volume in the series of “Problems in Quantitative Linguistics”, which contains a further collection of selected open problems and questions within the paradigm of quantitative linguistics. In some cases, already formulated hypotheses about the particular behaviour of linguistic entities and phenomena are given, including some interrelations and links. In other cases only some general lines of thinking and ideas are given, which may be of interest for the further development of quantitative linguistics. An orthodox fulfilment of the given ideas and hypotheses is not required since the proposed ideas and hypotheses have to be understood as initial stimulus for an in-depth analysis and ongoing theoretical foundation.
The focus of the present book is on phonological, morphological and semantic problems and hypotheses. Additionally, some selected problems of the syntactic and lexical level, including some quantitative ideas of the analysis of borrowings in language systems, and selected problems of a quantitative analysis of poetry are proposed. The given references are in most cases only a selection of the most relevant literature available and it is strongly recommended to enlarge the bibliography if analysing the selected problem or hypotheses. Moreover, in some cases no directly relevant references could be given. However, the authors hope to give at least some basic ideas about some desiderata of quantitative linguistics. Researchers are explicitly encouraged to submit the yielded results of the analysed problems and hypotheses to the editor of Glottometrics (www. gabrielaltmann. de) or one of the editors of Glottotheory (http://homepage. univie. ac. at/emmerich. kelih/).