Digital DJing (english) von Boris Pipiorke-Arndt | Tips, Tricks and Skills for Disc jockeys; english | ISBN 9783940963116

Digital DJing (english)

Tips, Tricks and Skills for Disc jockeys; english

von Boris Pipiorke-Arndt, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Ron Shankland
Buchcover Digital DJing (english) | Boris Pipiorke-Arndt | EAN 9783940963116 | ISBN 3-940963-11-9 | ISBN 978-3-940963-11-6

Digital DJing (english)

Tips, Tricks and Skills for Disc jockeys; english

von Boris Pipiorke-Arndt, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Ron Shankland
CDs, timecode or controller? Every budding DJ is bound to ask himself this question (and many more) at some stage, simply because the advance of digitizing is constantly opening up radically new ways of playing, mixing and producing. This book answers all the questions on the best ways of working with DJ software, mixers, control vinyls and CD turntables. The author fills the gap between theory and practice, dealing extensively with the advantages and disadvantages of analogue and digital equipment. He explains the use of various different players, uses clear sketches to describe the setup, cabling and routing of your DJ equipment and shows you how to choose the right laptop configuration. More than a dozen workshops will teach you all about mixing practice, DJ software like Ableton Live and NI Traktor Pro, the use of effects, working with controllers and the effective use of download portals. The author also provides helpful recommendations for buying equipment, sampling and the digitising of vinyl records. Beginners and experienced DJs will profit from the wealth of practical experience and the goldmine of tips and tricks on the pages of this book and the author even reveals some well-kept secrets of his own!