Vocal Quest Stage 5 von Ronja Petersen | Singing lessons for beginners and advanced people - With bonus material Singing rock and pop music - Voice training and vocal development for singers | ISBN 9783940903808

Vocal Quest Stage 5

Singing lessons for beginners and advanced people - With bonus material Singing rock and pop music - Voice training and vocal development for singers

von Ronja Petersen und Tanja Kührer
Autor / AutorinRonja Petersen
Autor / AutorinTanja Kührer
Buchcover Vocal Quest Stage 5 | Ronja Petersen | EAN 9783940903808 | ISBN 3-940903-80-9 | ISBN 978-3-940903-80-8

Vocal Quest Stage 5

Singing lessons for beginners and advanced people - With bonus material Singing rock and pop music - Voice training and vocal development for singers

von Ronja Petersen und Tanja Kührer
Autor / AutorinRonja Petersen
Autor / AutorinTanja Kührer
The journey through your Vocal Quest enters the next stage with Stage 5. Step by step, the vocal coaches Ronja Petersen and Tanja Kührer will take you closer to your goals as a singer. You will improve the control over the sound of your voice by perfecting your vocal delivery and you will also learn a new form of articulation. Your ability to work with songs will expand as you explore swing feel and expand your music theory skills. Besides that, you will increase your performance skills as you practice communicating with a band and learn even more improvisation techniques.