Vocal Quest Stage 4 von Ronja Petersen | Learn To Sing For Beginners - With Bonus Material - Rock and Pop Vocals - Voice Training For Singers (En) | ISBN 9783940903631

Vocal Quest Stage 4

Learn To Sing For Beginners - With Bonus Material - Rock and Pop Vocals - Voice Training For Singers (En)

von Ronja Petersen und Tanja Kührer
Autor / AutorinRonja Petersen
Autor / AutorinTanja Kührer
Buchcover Vocal Quest Stage 4 | Ronja Petersen | EAN 9783940903631 | ISBN 3-940903-63-9 | ISBN 978-3-940903-63-1

Vocal Quest Stage 4

Learn To Sing For Beginners - With Bonus Material - Rock and Pop Vocals - Voice Training For Singers (En)

von Ronja Petersen und Tanja Kührer
Autor / AutorinRonja Petersen
Autor / AutorinTanja Kührer
Learn to sing with Vocal Quest:
The journey through your Vocal Quest continues. In Vocal Quest Stage 4, many exciting missions await you, in which you will get to know your voice even better and improve your musical skills. Level by level, vocal coaches Ronja Petersen and Tanja Kührer will bring you closer to your goal as a singer. You will gain more control over your vocal registers and practice your articulation. You will also learn more about voice anatomy and train your ear. For a strong stage presence, you will practice performance, improve your improvisation skills, and discover how to interpret songs your own unique style.