Winni Winzig - A Story about Us All von Astrid Pfeiffer | englische Ausgabe | ISBN 9783940139092

Winni Winzig - A Story about Us All

englische Ausgabe

von Astrid Pfeiffer
Buchcover Winni Winzig -  A Story about Us All | Astrid Pfeiffer | EAN 9783940139092 | ISBN 3-940139-09-2 | ISBN 978-3-940139-09-2

Winni Winzig - A Story about Us All

englische Ausgabe

von Astrid Pfeiffer
Grisu, the adorable little hunting dog from a country in the south is an underdog. A clumsy fellow who is dogged by bad luck. All of a sudden, he finds himself in mortal danger, only to be snatched from the jaws of death by mere coincidence. His new life in a country in the north seems to be paradisaical. However, his experiences have made a mark on Grisu, now called Winnie: He is panic-stricken as soon as he is walked on the other side of the garden fence. His self-confidence is as tiny as the speckles on his fur. Nevertheless, those who love him, are confident: There is a cheerful dog inside him, one with many great talents. They pursue just the one goal: Winnie is to become a happy dog! The gripping story for dog owners and dogless readers alike spins a touching fabric between reality and fiction, told by its four-pawed hero, packed with wit and finely dosed self-irony. It is about the depths of the soul, the power of the subconscious mind, the drive of willpower and the well-deserved reward those will earn who are not disheartened by failure but keep on trying. It reveals the miracles that can come true if someone believes in you.