Transnational Corporations and Conflict Prevention von Lothar Rieth | The Impact of Norms on Private Actors | ISBN 9783927604407

Transnational Corporations and Conflict Prevention

The Impact of Norms on Private Actors

von Lothar Rieth und Melanie Zimmer
Autor / AutorinLothar Rieth
Autor / AutorinMelanie Zimmer
Buchcover Transnational Corporations and Conflict Prevention | Lothar Rieth | EAN 9783927604407 | ISBN 3-927604-40-2 | ISBN 978-3-927604-40-7

Transnational Corporations and Conflict Prevention

The Impact of Norms on Private Actors

von Lothar Rieth und Melanie Zimmer
Autor / AutorinLothar Rieth
Autor / AutorinMelanie Zimmer