Italian brain-friendly, Basic course | Learning Italian brain-friendly Computercourse Linguajet | ISBN 9783906233239

Italian brain-friendly, Basic course

Learning Italian brain-friendly Computercourse Linguajet

Buchcover Italian brain-friendly, Basic course  | EAN 9783906233239 | ISBN 3-906233-23-5 | ISBN 978-3-906233-23-9

Italian brain-friendly, Basic course

Learning Italian brain-friendly Computercourse Linguajet

Have you always wanted to impress people with your language skills on your holiday in Italy? Explore Rome, Florence or Sardinia without being dependent on your host's abilities to speak English. The Birkenbihl Approach is simple, efficient, lots of fun and will help you to progress quickly. Grammar, vocabulary, intonation and pronunciation will get into your brain subconsciously. From now on, you will be able to order pizza and pasta in Italian without any difficulty! / Topics: Greeting and introduction, the use of polite form to address somebody, differences between various languages and cultures, meaning and association of concrete words, prejudices and their influence on language, linguistic misunderstandings, relations and role models