EBCL Level A, Easy Business Book "Accounting" | ISBN 9783902730138

EBCL Level A, Easy Business Book "Accounting"

Buchcover EBCL Level A, Easy Business Book "Accounting"  | EAN 9783902730138 | ISBN 3-902730-13-7 | ISBN 978-3-902730-13-8
Schüler, Auszubildende, Fachkräfte, Akademiker, Führungskräfte, Selbständige, Existenzgründer, Arbeitslose, Studenten

EBCL Level A, Easy Business Book "Accounting"

Easy Business is number 1 when it comes to practice-oriented business training.
Easy Business has received numerous awards for the implementation of the most modern learning psychology and educational findings.
This book is an ideal study guide to prepare for the EBC*L exam. It deals with the Accounting module of EBC*L Level A.
The general learning objectives of this book are to be able to understand the basic structure of annual financial statements (balance sheet, profit and loss account), draw initial conclusions and to be able to explain the most relevant terms found in annual financial statements.
A topic which is often classed as complicated and overly theoretical is made accessible in a short time and in an entertaining manner even to people with no previous business knowledge.