Monograph of the Gomphodesmidae, a family of African polydesmoid millipeds von R. L. Hoffmann | ISBN 9783902421029

Monograph of the Gomphodesmidae, a family of African polydesmoid millipeds

von R. L. Hoffmann
Buchcover Monograph of the Gomphodesmidae, a family of African polydesmoid millipeds | R. L. Hoffmann | EAN 9783902421029 | ISBN 3-902421-02-9 | ISBN 978-3-902421-02-9

Monograph of the Gomphodesmidae, a family of African polydesmoid millipeds

von R. L. Hoffmann
A naturalist examining the soil and litter fauna almost anywhere in sub-Saharan Africa may expect to encounter millipeds of the family Gomphodesmidae.
This book attempts to develop the classification of the Gomphodesmidae, so far as available knowledge permits, into a condition suitable for the initiation of phylogenetic, ecological, and behaviorial studies of these interesting animals, in addition to its primary purpose of facilitating their identification.