The Use of Phosphate Rock in a Rice-Legume Rotation System on Acid Soil in the Humid Forest Zone of West Africa von Eklou Attiogbevi-Somado | ISBN 9783884523995

The Use of Phosphate Rock in a Rice-Legume Rotation System on Acid Soil in the Humid Forest Zone of West Africa

von Eklou Attiogbevi-Somado
Buchcover The Use of Phosphate Rock in a Rice-Legume Rotation System on Acid Soil in the Humid Forest Zone of West Africa | Eklou Attiogbevi-Somado | EAN 9783884523995 | ISBN 3-88452-399-6 | ISBN 978-3-88452-399-5

The Use of Phosphate Rock in a Rice-Legume Rotation System on Acid Soil in the Humid Forest Zone of West Africa

von Eklou Attiogbevi-Somado