Asperger-Syndrome von Elisabeth Hughes | Curse or Chance | ISBN 9783867431781


Curse or Chance

von Elisabeth Hughes, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Elisabeth Hughes
Buchcover Asperger-Syndrome | Elisabeth Hughes | EAN 9783867431781 | ISBN 3-86743-178-7 | ISBN 978-3-86743-178-1
Familienangehörige, Freunde, Psychotherapeuten, Psychiater und Fachleute aus verwandten Berufen sowie Studenten der Psychologie und Psychiatrie, Betroffene


Curse or Chance

von Elisabeth Hughes, aus dem Deutschen übersetzt von Elisabeth Hughes
At the age of 29, a young woman suddenly received the diagnosis: Asperger-Syndrome. The reason for her lifelong fight with depression was found. She suffered through the fact that this syndrome was not curable. After a long time of being incapable to react and make decisions, she found a way out from her, at first, hopeless situation. With her personality, her interests and abilities the young woman found a new way of life. A woman talks about her life, how she lived through the negative sides of Asperger-Syndrome and how she overcame and mastered the situation. She reveals how she lives today, unobtrusively in society.
The contents of this book are written in two perspectives. “Lara Leander“ would like to invite you on a time-trip between the “normal“ world and her autistic world.