Don`t Worry - Be Curious! | 4th Ars Baltica Triennial of Photographic Art | ISBN 9783865883872

Don`t Worry - Be Curious!

4th Ars Baltica Triennial of Photographic Art

herausgegeben von Dorothee Bienert
Buchcover Don`t Worry - Be Curious!  | EAN 9783865883872 | ISBN 3-86588-387-7 | ISBN 978-3-86588-387-2

Don`t Worry - Be Curious!

4th Ars Baltica Triennial of Photographic Art

herausgegeben von Dorothee Bienert
The 4th Ars Baltica Triennial of Photographic Art presents us with a mirror that reflects the image of Europe`s social, political, and economic reality as it is comprised and interpreted by artists using photography, videos, and installation. It is a reality that cause anxiety in countless Europeans: anxieties about their workplace, the enviroment, their social and private backgrounds, and their own personal and national identities. The medium of photography imparts new impulses to deal with this reality.