A Stupid Child? Not at All von Brigitte Sindelar | Basic Functional Disorders: Reasons for learning and behavior problems in Children /auch in slowenisch erhältlich | ISBN 9783853302125

A Stupid Child? Not at All

Basic Functional Disorders: Reasons for learning and behavior problems in Children /auch in slowenisch erhältlich

von Brigitte Sindelar
Buchcover A Stupid Child? Not at All | Brigitte Sindelar | EAN 9783853302125 | ISBN 3-85330-212-2 | ISBN 978-3-85330-212-5

A Stupid Child? Not at All

Basic Functional Disorders: Reasons for learning and behavior problems in Children /auch in slowenisch erhältlich

von Brigitte Sindelar
This booklet provides introduction and basic information about functional disorders and is meant for parents and teachers as a first step to understand those children.