Postcollisional Lamprophyres and hydrous Basaltic Dykes from the Mid German Crystalline Rise von Peter Wrobel | Resolution of the effects of mantle metasomatism, wedge depletion, melting degree, fractionation and crustal assimilation | ISBN 9783828810037

Postcollisional Lamprophyres and hydrous Basaltic Dykes from the Mid German Crystalline Rise

Resolution of the effects of mantle metasomatism, wedge depletion, melting degree, fractionation and crustal assimilation

von Peter Wrobel
Buchcover Postcollisional Lamprophyres and hydrous Basaltic Dykes from the Mid German Crystalline Rise | Peter Wrobel | EAN 9783828810037 | ISBN 3-8288-1003-9 | ISBN 978-3-8288-1003-7

Postcollisional Lamprophyres and hydrous Basaltic Dykes from the Mid German Crystalline Rise

Resolution of the effects of mantle metasomatism, wedge depletion, melting degree, fractionation and crustal assimilation

von Peter Wrobel
auf 2 Mikrofiches