Professionals in Vocational and Technical Education - International Perspectives | Professional Situation and Life-long Learning of Teachers and Instructors in Technical and Vocational Education | ISBN 9783825862978

Professionals in Vocational and Technical Education - International Perspectives

Professional Situation and Life-long Learning of Teachers and Instructors in Technical and Vocational Education

herausgegeben von Philipp Grollmann und Felix Rauner
Herausgegeben vonPhilipp Grollmann
Herausgegeben vonFelix Rauner
Buchcover Professionals in Vocational and Technical Education - International Perspectives  | EAN 9783825862978 | ISBN 3-8258-6297-6 | ISBN 978-3-8258-6297-8

Professionals in Vocational and Technical Education - International Perspectives

Professional Situation and Life-long Learning of Teachers and Instructors in Technical and Vocational Education

herausgegeben von Philipp Grollmann und Felix Rauner
Herausgegeben vonPhilipp Grollmann
Herausgegeben vonFelix Rauner