Flore d’Afrique centrale, nouvelle série, Spermatophyta | Dioscoreaceae | ISBN 9783823617891

Flore d’Afrique centrale, nouvelle série, Spermatophyta


herausgegeben von Marc S.M. Sosef
Buchcover Flore d’Afrique centrale, nouvelle série, Spermatophyta  | EAN 9783823617891 | ISBN 3-8236-1789-3 | ISBN 978-3-8236-1789-1

Flore d’Afrique centrale, nouvelle série, Spermatophyta


herausgegeben von Marc S.M. Sosef
A floristic treatment for Dioscoreaceae occurring in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Burundi is provided. In this region, the family is represented by the genus Dioscorea (19 species). All species are de- scribed morphologically and information is given on the most important syn- onyms, distribution, habitat, vernacular names and uses, as well as the citation of representative herbarium specimens and references to additional literature. Preliminary global conservation assessments are given with 16 species assessed as Least Concern, one as Data Deficient (D. pynaertii), one as Near Threatened (D. knuthiana) and one as Vulnerable (D. paleata). Keys are provided to facili- tate the identification of species using male, female (fruiting) and sterile material. Nine detailed line drawings and two photo plates assist species recognition. Two species are endemic to the flora area, D. knuthiana and D. paleata. Dioscorea is an economically important genus, with the tubers and/or bulbils of several spe- cies harvested from the wild for consumption and some being cultivated.