Flore d’Afrique centrale, nouvelle série, Spermatophyta | Phyllanthaceae | ISBN 9783823617877

Flore d’Afrique centrale, nouvelle série, Spermatophyta


herausgegeben von Marc S.M. Sosef
Buchcover Flore d’Afrique centrale, nouvelle série, Spermatophyta  | EAN 9783823617877 | ISBN 3-8236-1787-7 | ISBN 978-3-8236-1787-7

Flore d’Afrique centrale, nouvelle série, Spermatophyta


herausgegeben von Marc S.M. Sosef
A flora treatment for the Phyllanthaceae occurring in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Burundi is provided. The present volume includes a key to all genera, and a full treatment of the following seven gen- era: Amanoa, Flueggea, Margaritaria, Meineckia, Pentabrachion, Phyllanthus, Pseudolachnostylis, Uapaca. In total, 77 species are included. The remainder of the Phyllanthaceae genera occurring in the Flora region were treated in previous volumes of the Flora series, but an identification key to all genera is provided. All species come with a full morphological description, protologue and type infor- mation, synonyms, data on their distribution, habitat, vernacular names and uses, as well as references to additional literature and the citation of representative herbarium specimens. Eleven species, all within Phyllanthus, are endemic to the area of the Flora. Fourty-seven botanical drawings as well as 10 photo plates are included. One new variety is described, two lectotypes are designated and nine names are newly treated as synonyms.