Aram Dikiciyan | Scheinzeit | ISBN 9783775747776

Aram Dikiciyan


herausgegeben von Nadine Barth
Herausgegeben vonNadine Barth
Bildbeschreibung vonMatthias Harder
Bildbeschreibung vonAram Dikiciyan
Designed vonJulia Wagner, grafikanstalt
Künstler / KünstlerinAram Dikiciyan
Buchcover Aram Dikiciyan  | EAN 9783775747776 | ISBN 3-7757-4777-X | ISBN 978-3-7757-4777-6
Innenansicht 1

Aram Dikiciyan


herausgegeben von Nadine Barth
Herausgegeben vonNadine Barth
Bildbeschreibung vonMatthias Harder
Bildbeschreibung vonAram Dikiciyan
Designed vonJulia Wagner, grafikanstalt
Künstler / KünstlerinAram Dikiciyan

Photography started out as black and white and analog. Today, these are conscious choices a photographer makes, with the camera, eye, and hand forming a unique symbiosis. Aram Dikiciyan’s pictures arise from the interplay of the extremely light-sensitive film he chooses to use, the many layers of motifs his finely-tuned eye selects, and a well-practiced process of development. It all works together to create an inimitable cosmos of images. The photographs are just this side of overexposed, capturing in black and white a fragile world hovering between the figural and the abstract. This volume of photos collects the masterpieces from the past decade and presents them in a splendid show: skilled craftsmanship becomes a feast for the eyes.

ARAM DIKICIYAN (*1974, Berlin) made a name for himself early on as part of the skater scene. He became internationally famous through his work in advertising and prominent magazines. Dikiciyan has lived in Tokyo since 2004.