African Spirituality von Udobata Onunwa | An Anthology of Igbo Religious Myths | ISBN 9783767700321

African Spirituality

An Anthology of Igbo Religious Myths

von Udobata Onunwa, Vorwort von Edmund C Ilogu
Buchcover African Spirituality | Udobata Onunwa | EAN 9783767700321 | ISBN 3-7677-0032-8 | ISBN 978-3-7677-0032-1

African Spirituality

An Anthology of Igbo Religious Myths

von Udobata Onunwa, Vorwort von Edmund C Ilogu
Der Herausgeber, Nigerianer aus der Volksgruppe der Igbos, sammelte drei Jahre lang zusammen mit einer Studentengruppe Beobachtungen und Aussagen zu den religiösen Vorstellungen und Riten seines Volkes. (In englischer Sprache.) Zu den Quellen schreibt er: „The materials for this work were collected through primary source. The living votaries of the religion were met in their shrines and homes. We visited the five Igbo subculture areas. Our students acted as chief guides who interviewed the major religious functionaries we visited and recorded during the festivals we attended.“ Aus dem Inhalt: Myth of Creation. - Man and Family Life. - God and Man in personal Relationship and Encounter. - The Presence of Death in the World. - Man, Deity and Natural Ecology. - Man, Music and Warfare. - God and Other Deities. - Kingship Institution and Inheritance in Igboland. - Igbo Markets. - Chukwu and Human Condition. - Interpretation. - Appendices. Divine Kingship and Political Rituals among the Igbo: The 'Divine' Umumri King; The Ofala in Onitsha: The Festival of a 'Sacred' King. - Conclusion.