Product & Service Portfolio Management von Andreas Jede | A user’s guide to challenge your business field structure | ISBN 9783739830698

Product & Service Portfolio Management

A user’s guide to challenge your business field structure

von Andreas Jede
Buchcover Product & Service Portfolio Management | Andreas Jede | EAN 9783739830698 | ISBN 3-7398-3069-7 | ISBN 978-3-7398-3069-8

Product & Service Portfolio Management

A user’s guide to challenge your business field structure

von Andreas Jede
Portfolio management is an essential part of a company's strategy process, translating business strategy and strategic directions into activities on operational level, namely the level of products and services. And no doubt, more or less every company is challenging it's portfolio offering ongoingly, leading sometimes to groundbreaking changes such as restructuring cases or new business field entries.
However, while the need for active portfolio management is often common understanding within a company, the underlying approach, the processes and methodology are often unprofessional and unstructured. Moreover, the results of an unprofessional portfolio analyses can even be misleading, which can bring bad decisions and mismanagement for related business fields (even more valid in volatile and disruptive times as right now).
Towards this end, there is currently no valuable book available (in research and practice) that guides companies through the whole portfolio management process on a professional level, linking content to latest concepts in digitalization.