In the shadow of Civilization von Lina Orlovsky | ISBN 9783737559652

In the shadow of Civilization

von Lina Orlovsky und David Herzog
Autor / AutorinLina Orlovsky
Autor / AutorinDavid Herzog
Buchcover In the shadow of Civilization | Lina Orlovsky | EAN 9783737559652 | ISBN 3-7375-5965-1 | ISBN 978-3-7375-5965-2

In the shadow of Civilization

von Lina Orlovsky und David Herzog
Autor / AutorinLina Orlovsky
Autor / AutorinDavid Herzog
We are used see our civilization from two general points of view: positive and negative. Complex approach usually means a mixture of polar characteristics. In this book we tried to analyze an outcome of the model^ our civilization is positive process, less dependable on us than on wider set of factors. At the same time, negative tendencies are based in human nature. They can proliferate in the atmosphere of comfort, created by civilization itself. Conflict in society, arising from tendencies of some individuals „to move forward“, and others „to slow down“, is inevitable.