Human B Cell Superantigens | ISBN 9783540614494

Human B Cell Superantigens

herausgegeben von Moncef Zouali
Buchcover Human B Cell Superantigens  | EAN 9783540614494 | ISBN 3-540-61449-4 | ISBN 978-3-540-61449-4

Human B Cell Superantigens

herausgegeben von Moncef Zouali
Superantigens are a rapidly growing new class of ligands for human B-cells. The study of their interaction with lymphocytes provides insight into important mechanisms of the immune system. In this book, leading scientists survey the progress recently made in the identification, the nature, the structure of B-cell superantigens and their potential involvement in pathological conditions. It is the first book to bring together a comprehensive view of the recently described B-cell superantigens.