CAD and PDM von Ulrich Sendler | Optimizing Processes by Integrating Them | ISBN 9783446413276


Optimizing Processes by Integrating Them

von Ulrich Sendler und Volker Wawer, aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Paul I. Anderson
Autor / AutorinUlrich Sendler
Autor / AutorinVolker Wawer
Übersetzt vonPaul I. Anderson
Buchcover CAD and PDM | Ulrich Sendler | EAN 9783446413276 | ISBN 3-446-41327-8 | ISBN 978-3-446-41327-6
Leseprobe 1


Optimizing Processes by Integrating Them

von Ulrich Sendler und Volker Wawer, aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Paul I. Anderson
Autor / AutorinUlrich Sendler
Autor / AutorinVolker Wawer
Übersetzt vonPaul I. Anderson
PDM is gradually becoming a standard tool for industrial product development. But do all mean the same thing by PDM? Doesn't everyone see what potential lies in applying PDM? Are they exploiting that potential to the fullest?
Integrating CAD and PDM, networking the engineering disciplines in mechatronics, supporting remote development environments, utilizing document management, linking PDM up with new technologies such as service oriented architectures - all of these are keys to optimizing the process of creating products. And the prerequisite for continuative strategies such as product life cycle man-agement (PLM). Midsize industry has already assumed a leading role here, while large industry is largely hampered by internal departmental boundaries.
This book makes a complex topic understandable and illustrates its line of argument with numerous concrete practical examples from user companies. The PDM System used as our main example is PRO. FILE by PROCAD.
A practical aid for anyone directly or indirectly involved in development, design, production preparation, document management or the management of such company processes.