The Paradox of Authenticity von Eric E. Hall | ISBN 9783161538636

The Paradox of Authenticity

von Eric E. Hall
Buchcover The Paradox of Authenticity | Eric E. Hall | EAN 9783161538636 | ISBN 3-16-153863-3 | ISBN 978-3-16-153863-6

The Paradox of Authenticity

von Eric E. Hall
In this book, Eric E. Hall takes up the question of the meaning of a vigorously used concept in the liberal west: authenticity and the pursuit of personal originality. By uncovering this idea's uses within three deepening contexts - the ethical, the ontological, and the theological - the author unfolds authenticity's origins and implications. To the degree that authenticity seeks in all contexts freedom from social horizons, the conclusion renders attempts to embody this ideal secularly impossible. The goal requires a total transcendence that only the divine could fulfill. Human authenticity thus emerges in creatively imitating God's self-sacrificial expression on the cross, which both transcends and revalues the horizons of this world.