Empty Voting von Martin Mittermeier | Risikoentleerte Stimmrechtsausübung im Recht der börsennotierten Aktiengesellschaft | ISBN 9783110315936

Empty Voting

Risikoentleerte Stimmrechtsausübung im Recht der börsennotierten Aktiengesellschaft

von Martin Mittermeier
Buchcover Empty Voting | Martin Mittermeier | EAN 9783110315936 | ISBN 3-11-031593-9 | ISBN 978-3-11-031593-6

Empty Voting

Risikoentleerte Stimmrechtsausübung im Recht der börsennotierten Aktiengesellschaft

von Martin Mittermeier
The voting right is the central management right of stockholders. The conditions under which stockholders exercise their voting rights have changed substantially in recent years due to the expanded use of financial instruments and the appearance of new actors. This study comprehensively examines the problems resulting from this situation for publicly listed joint stock companies and discusses solutions, both de lege lata (as the law exists today) and de lege ferenda (with a view to future law).