Kent's Repertorium Generale Englisch von J Künzli | ISBN 9783039500017

Kent's Repertorium Generale Englisch

von J Künzli und M Barthel
Autor / AutorinJ Künzli
Autor / AutorinM Barthel
Buchcover Kent's Repertorium Generale Englisch | J Künzli | EAN 9783039500017 | ISBN 3-03950-001-5 | ISBN 978-3-03950-001-7

Kent's Repertorium Generale Englisch

von J Künzli und M Barthel
Autor / AutorinJ Künzli
Autor / AutorinM Barthel
The Kent repertorisation is the basis of classical homeopathy. Through them, an uncertain opinion becomes a certain knowledge.
In this Repertorium you will find the normal Kent, which has been expanded by about a third of its original size (the extensions were marked with high numbers).
The results of almost 40 years of practical experience and scientific work by Dr. Künzli are in this book. In addition, Kent's handwritten improvements to his last edition have been included.
The Repertorium Generale becomes valuable through Künzli's therapeutic advice in the form of black dots, which mark the therapeutically proven key symptoms and drugs.